Author Archives: Electric Universe

State of the Server 2021

Rust has seen some explosive growth, especially since the OTV streamer server was created. We’ve seen a lot of new players using Rustz, and are excited for any potential growth to Rustz player counts.

We recently enabled Rust+ on the server. There have been occasinal crashes, but I think I’ve narrowed it down.

Please remember some fundamental things about Rustz if you choose it as your home:

You can be banned for offline raiding
This doesn’t mean it’s not allowed. If you’re wanting to offline raid, please fill out this form first:

It is required for us to track this. Right now this list is simply created to have some accountability, so if you’re coming up with poor reasons to offline raid people, and you’ve done so consistently, you will need to discuss this with an admin, pending a ban if the behavior isn’t correctable. I understand that offline raiding is a big part of Rust, but I do not want it to be a big part of Rustz. Online raiding is permitted, but I also encourage you to fill out the form before doing so in the event someone claims you offline raided them. If you fill out the form, it’s very likely we will hop on to record, and monitor your online raid.

State of the Server 2017


The server has been doing ok. Very low population, both a blessing, and curse.

I would like to announce a major change to how servers are governed.

If you offline raid without cause, consistently, you will be banned without warning. At this point, if you intend to offline raid, fill out this form.

If you get banned, or offlined, also fill this form out.

Try these top 20 most used 4 digit pins on any code lock.

Make sure you don’t use one of these top 20 most used codes! IRL or Rust.

If you get locked out of your house, make sure you bring some med pens.

#1 1234 10.713%
#2 1111 6.016%
#3 0000 1.881%
#4 1212 1.197%
#5 7777 0.745%
#6 1004 0.616%
#7 2000 0.613%
#8 4444 0.526%
#9 2222 0.516%
#10 6969 0.512%
#11 9999 0.451%
#12 3333 0.419%
#13 5555 0.395%
#14 6666 0.391%
#15 1122 0.366%
#16 1313 0.304%
#17 8888 0.303%
#18 4321 0.293%
#19 2001 0.290%
#20 1010 0.285%